Generate preview of AI Editing
This endpoint generates a preiview of AI Editing video before redering the final video. Generating a video preview through this endpoint costs 1 credit for every 30 seconds.
Queue a preview generation task
Generate a preview of AI Editing video.
Check preview status
Now our AI model is generating preview of AI Editing video. It will return a id
of the AI Editing video. Then you can check the preview status of your video by sending a GET request to Get AI Editing video by id endpoint.
Once the preview of AI Editing video is generated, there will be data in preview
field. Then you can render the video by sending a POST request to Render a AI Editing video endpoint.
Render the video
Check render status
You will find the status
to be done
when finished. Meanwhile you can find the video output in video_output
API ID, from your settings page.
API Key, from your settings page.
- Filmgeometric_gradient
- Geometric Gradientglitch
- Glitchglitter_gradient
- Glitter Gradientpaper
- Paper
, geometric_gradient
, glitch
, glitter_gradient
, paper
Background music URL for the video. Default is null, video will use random music.
Volume of the background music, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is null, video will use default music volume of visual_style.
0 < x < 1
Caption setting, default null and default caption setting will be used
Volume of the voiceover, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is null, video will use default voiceover volume of visual_style.
0 < x < 1
Webhook URL for status updates. Default is null.
Credits used in this api call
- Privateworkspace
- Workspacepublic
- Public
, workspace
, public
- Pendingin_queue
- In Queuerunning
- Runningfailed
- Faileddone
- Donerejected
- Rejected
, in_queue
, running
, failed
, done
, rejected
Aspect ratio of the video
- 9X1616x9
- 16X91x1
- 1X1
, 16x9
, 1x1
Audio to be used for the video
Background music URL for the video. Default is null, video will use random music.
Volume of the background music, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is null, video will use default music volume of visual_style.
0 < x < 1
Caption setting, default null and default caption setting will be used
Flow is created from api or not
Duration of the video
Style to be used for the video
- Filmgeometric_gradient
- Geometric Gradientglitch
- Glitchglitter_gradient
- Glitter Gradientpaper
- Paper
, geometric_gradient
, glitch
, glitter_gradient
, paper
Whether the video is one person video or not
Whether the video is talking video or not
Text to be converted to video
Size of the video
Video to be used for the video
Volume of the voiceover, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is null, video will use default voiceover volume of visual_style.
0 < x < 1
Webhook URL for status updates. Default is null.